AgNet Systems Advisors

advisors agnet syatems


Charles (Charlie) Heermans

Charlie began his work in the food industry in 1969. Born, raised and educated in Alabama, he left from the University of Alabama to California in order to persue his interest in health. With his dietary studies and environmental concerns, he became fascinated with the idea of making organic foods more available to consumers. He is considered one of the pioneers in the organic industry. In his 40 year career he has been involved with farming, ranching, post-harvest handling, processing, distribution, marketing and certification.


Carlos Lawrence

Carlos has been working with organic producers for over 10 years. As a consultant to small farmholder groups, processors, and certification agencies, he has brought strong management systems to the organic sector. The goal of certification should be a strong quality mangement plan that improves your production and complies with the various standards in one plan. We will be your advocate with the certifier so that implementation is practical and compliant.

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